Food for thought

Lovejoy actor Ian McShane was in town on Thursday night and could be spotted at Lillie's Bordello

Lovejoy actor Ian McShane was in town on Thursday night and could be spotted at Lillie's Bordello. Now, before you go jumping to conclusions, Ian was not on any rampage but was helping to promote a very worthwhile book, Food For Thought. The book is the result of four years work by Willo Ward (25), who gathered together recipes from the rich and famous, including John Major, the OTT boys and even Joan Rivers, who offers a recipe for toast ("Take two slices of bread . . . "). Willo compiled the book in memory of her mother, who died of cancer, and all proceeds go to St Luke's Hospital. Ian was only too glad to get involved as his own wife is also suffering from the disease. You can do your bit by buying the book.