For Fear of the Angels: How Sex Has Usurped Religion, by Charles Pickstone (Sceptre, £7.99 in UK)

Naughty vicar in dirty book shock? Well, more or less

Naughty vicar in dirty book shock? Well, more or less. Convinced that more and more of his parishioners were getting it on Sundays - but not in his church - Charles Pickstone, an Anglican parish priest, came up with the theory that our society seeks ecstasy in sex rather than religion. Such notions are hardly new, as the Rev Pickstone tacitly acknowledges by means of extended borrowings from the works of writers as diverse as Euripides, Georges Bataille and D.H.

Lawrence; and despite his amiable attempts to squeeze all his erotodidacts into his somewhat peculiar world-view, what stands out above all is the individuality and, ironically enough, sheer perversity of the authors concerned.

Arminta Wallace

Arminta Wallace

Arminta Wallace is a former Irish Times journalist