Former Bush secretary of state Powell backs Obama

Colin Powell, a former secretary of state in the Bush administration, today endorsed Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama…

Colin Powell, a former secretary of state in the Bush administration, today endorsed Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama.

In an appearance on NBC's Meet the Press, Mr Powell backed Mr Obama over fellow Republican John McCain, calling the Democratic nominee a "transformational figure" who could be an "exceptional president."

Mr Powell said he plans to vote for Mr Obama in the November 4 election but does not intend to campaign for the Illinois senator. Mr Powell's announcement comes as the two nominees enter the final weeks of their battle for the White House.

Mr Powell, who served in the military and government for 40 years, said he is not looking for a job in an Mr Obama administration. However, he said, "I've always said if a president asks you to do something, you have to consider it."


Mr McCain, appearing on Fox News Sunday, said Mr Powell's support of Mr Obama did not come as a surprise and said four other secretaries of state had endorsed him.

In picking Mr Obama over Mr McCain, Mr Powell said either "man would be a good president."

Mr Powell praised Obama's "depth of knowledge" and "steadiness," while he was critical of what he described as Mr McCain's uncertainty over how to deal with economic crisis.

Mr Powell also voiced concern about Mr McCain's selection of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running mate.

"She is a very distinguished woman and she is to be admired," hel said. "But I don't believe she is ready to be president of the United States."

Mr Obama called Mr Powell after the endorsement, thanking him and saying he looked forward to his advice.
Mr Powell said he has no plans to campaign for Mr Obama and was not looking for a job in his administration but he left the door open to the possibility.

John McCain is spending the day in Ohio, a state he must win if he is to be president. No Republican has won the White House without winning Ohio and it was the state that put President Bush over the top in 2004.
Mr Obama was also in a battleground state with a heavy military presence, North Carolina, which had been expected to be an easy Republican win but is now in play for Democrats.


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