Fossett rescue mission to be reviewed

Nearly two weeks after Steve Fossett disappeared in the Nevada desert, US authorities plan to assess the rescue operation as …

Nearly two weeks after Steve Fossett disappeared in the Nevada desert, US authorities plan to assess the rescue operation as hopes fade further of finding the adventurer alive.

Crews searched by air and ground yesterday for Fossett, who was last seen on September 3rd. But organisers with the Nevada civil air patrol and state emergency experts said authorities plan to meet tomorrow to decide how to proceed with the operation.

Until then, the mission continues, officials said. "We're still in rescue mode," Major Ed Locke of the Nevada Air National Guard said during a press briefing last night.

Fossett (63), has sailed and flown around the world, setting numerous aviation and distance records and is well-known in the UK for his friendship with Virgin boss Richard Branson.


On the advice of search co-ordinators, the federal aviation administration issued a temporary flight restriction in the search area on Friday, after an amateur pilot flew through at a low altitude.