Four charged over fake dvd factory

Four people have been charged by police in Northern Ireland after a major counterfeit DVD production plant was uncovered.

Four people have been charged by police in Northern Ireland after a major counterfeit DVD production plant was uncovered.

The two women aged 24 and 33 and two men aged 24 and 55 are due to appear at Derry Magistrates Court on January 11 to face a total of 19 charges under the Copyright Act and Trademark Act.

The four were arrested after equipment valued at thousands of pounds was seized after being discovered during a wave of searches in Derry.

It was the latest part of a major drive against organised crime in the North West of the province in recent weeks which has seen arrests and seizures of DVDs and CDs in a number of operations.


At least a dozen houses in the city and the market in Sackville Street were targeted in the latest swoop.

A sum of cash was also seized under the Proceeds of Crime Act together with a number of counterfeit DVDs, said a police spokesman.

During follow-up searches in the Hazelbank area of Derry police uncovered what they described as an extensive counterfeiting plant.

The recovered some 800 DVDs, 200CDs, a significant amount of computer equipment and cash — in total valued at around £33,000.

Another man and women were arrested and later released on police bail pending further inquiries.