Four Clare teenagers plead guilty to rape

Four Clare teenagers who raped a woman last January have been remanded in custody for sentence after pleading guilty at the Central…

Four Clare teenagers who raped a woman last January have been remanded in custody for sentence after pleading guilty at the Central Criminal Court.

They pleaded guilty to raping the woman in east Clare on January 23rd.

Mr Justice Carney set July 30th as the sentence date and directed that their names be added to the register of sex offenders.

He also directed the preparation of a victim impact report and other reports for the sentence hearing.


Mr Justice Carney made an interim order prohibiting the naming in the media of the defendants, and said this order was to remain in force until the sentencing date.

He later announced that he would hear submissions before this date from publishers on the question of whether or not the defendants can be named.

Mr John Edwards SC, for one of the youths, had told Mr Justice Carney that as a result of what he called "a lacuna" in the current legislation - the Children's Act, 2001 - the only court designated was the District Court and therefore also the Children's Court.

Mr Edwards said it did not apply to the higher criminal courts but he asked that the court should make such an order.

Counsel for the three other defendants supported Mr Edwards.