Four killed in Kosovo

Pristina - A Serb policeman and three ethnic Albanians were killed early yesterday in clashes in the troubled Yugoslav province…

Pristina - A Serb policeman and three ethnic Albanians were killed early yesterday in clashes in the troubled Yugoslav province of Kosovo. The policeman was killed along with one of his Albanian attackers at Kosovska Mitrovica, in the north of the province. Two other policemen had also been injured, one critically, when they had come under fire around 6 a.m. (local time).

Meanwhile, the main Albanian party in the province, the Kosovo Democratic League (LDK), reported that two Albanians had been killed in the western Decani region. In Belgrade, the Russian envoy, Mr Igor Ivanov, said after meeting President Slobodan Milosevic that Yugoslavia may be ready to accept foreign mediation in the Kosovo crisis. Meanwhile, in Brussels yesterday NATO ruled out deploying troops in Albania as a way to calm the crisis in Kosovo.