Free travel for senior citizens on LUAS

Senior citizens will be able to avail of free travel on the new Luas tram line, it was confirmed tonight

Senior citizens will be able to avail of free travel on the new Luas tram line, it was confirmed tonight.
The current public transport travel scheme for pensioners will be extended to the new light rail line when it comes on track.

The Railway Procurement Agency, which oversees the multi-million euro Luas network, said the travel would include those over 66 who are already allowed go without charge on state bus and rail services.

The details on the time of day people can avail of free travel or exactly who is covered under the free-travel scheme, which is overseen by the Department of Social and Family Affairs, are not finalised.

Trams are making practice runs on the Sandyford to St Stephen's Green line which is supposed to be opening to customers at the end of next month.


"I understand specific details have yet to be finalised as to the time of day, similar to that which currently operates for buses and DART, when free travel is applicable but I am confident the Luas free travel scheme will be just as successful," said Eoin Ryan, chair of the Dáil Transport Committee.

"It is only right that those who may remember what it was like to travel on trams are now able to enjoy the modern day version for free,"  The outlined fares stand at 2 euro one-way, 3.80 euro return, 1.30 euro minimum and 80 cent for children.

The track from Tallaght to Connolly Station is next in line to open to passengers in August next.