French alcohol ban extended

Lens - A swathe of northern France is today being turned into an unprecedented alcohol-free zone in the hope of avoiding a repeat…

Lens - A swathe of northern France is today being turned into an unprecedented alcohol-free zone in the hope of avoiding a repeat of the violence caused by English and German football hooligans in the past two weeks. Hundreds of riot police have been drafted into Lens in advance of tonight's crucial match in Lens which will determine if England stay in the World Cup.

The ban on the sale and consumption of alcohol in the bars and on the streets of the town was yesterday extended to cover hypermarkets and the hugely popular drinks cash-and-carries at French ports, which all stopped selling drink at 8 a.m. this morning.

Six England fans were arrested by snatch squads last night when French police moved in to clear two crowded cafe terraces near the main square in Lille. Police said England fans threw bottles at a group of French youths of north African origin.