French teachers on the march

Paris - Up to three-quarters of teachers in France, backed by over 200,000 pupils and parents, demonstrated against school reform…

Paris - Up to three-quarters of teachers in France, backed by over 200,000 pupils and parents, demonstrated against school reform plans yesterday in a growing challenge to the government.

In parallel protests, over half the country's tax inspectors went on strike and activists occupied 25 of the finance ministry's 27 regional data centres, stopping work on tax returns and other official business, the CGT trade union said.

The marches, the highpoint so far of weeks of discontent in the civil service, took place as the Prime Minister, Mr Lionel Jospin, prepared for a long-awaited television interview meant to refute charges he is losing his grip on power. Protesters are urging the left-wing government to share out more liberally the fruits of France's strong economy.