Funding of Jeanie Johnston to be reviewed

The public funding of the controversial Jeanie Johnston famine ship project is to receive a full review.

The public funding of the controversial Jeanie Johnstonfamine ship project is to receive a full review.

The cost of the project was originally estimated at €5.46 million, but, the rebuilding of the vessel has cost now more than €14.35 million and is over two years behind schedule.

Earlier this year, the Department of the Marine decided to discontinue public funding off the ship because of the cost overruns. Kerry County Council already owes almost €6 million arising from the project.

The review is to be carried out by a former secretary general of the Department of Finance, Mr Sean Cromien, who was appointed by the Department of the Marine and Kerry County Council.


Welcoming the review, the chairman of the Jeanie JohnstonCompany, Mr Jim Finucane said: "I believe that such a review, to a great extent, would clear the air on the project".

Speaking on RTÉ's Morning Irelandprogramme, Mr Finucane said the project had been a difficult and at times complicated one. He added it was a great achievement that the project had been completed and said that "one in seven of these types of projects get completed".

He said the Jeanie Johnstonwas a multi-purpose ship and had the capacity to travel to the US and Canada and promote "this island in a way that has never been done before".