Funeral of Cumann na mBan member

TRIBUTES WERE paid to the late Mai Fahy (98), one of the last surviving members of Cumann na mBan, during her funeral and burial…

TRIBUTES WERE paid to the late Mai Fahy (98), one of the last surviving members of Cumann na mBan, during her funeral and burial in south Galway yesterday.

The Taoiseach's aide-de-camp, Comdt Michael Treacy, and a number of Galway politicians were among those who attended the funeral Mass in Labane, Co Galway, celebrated by Fr Richie Higgins.

Chief mourner was Ms Fahy's son and only child, Galway county councillor Michael "Stroke" Fahy.

Speaking at the graveside at Labane, Galway East TD Noel Treacy recalled Ms Fahy's contribution to public life. Ms Fahy (née O'Dea) was born in Carron, Co Clare, in 1910 and moved to Ardrahan, Co Galway, when she married farmer John Fahy in 1949.


She was an active member of Cumann na mBan, and delivered despatches in the War of Independence. Her husband was a member of the Old IRA.

When her son, Michael, joined Fianna Fáil and stood in a number of local government elections from 1979, she became involved in his campaign and also assisted with constituency work.

After her husband died in 1985, she continued to live on the family's 70-acre farm with her son.

A request was made for full military honours for Ms Fahy at her funeral, but this was turned down on grounds of qualification. However, a Tricolour did cover her coffin at yesterday's Mass in Labane. Among those who expressed sympathy to Cllr Fahy (Ind) was Galway West TD Frank Fahey (FF), former Fianna Fáil Galway East TD Joe Callanan, and Fianna Fáil MEP Seán Ó Neachtáin.

Ms Fahy passed away in Merlin Park Hospital, Galway, on December 23rd .

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times