Funeral of Dubliner who fell into Amsterdam canal

A DUBLIN man whose remains were recovered from an Amsterdam canal last month was described as a “very gentle soul” at his funeral…

A DUBLIN man whose remains were recovered from an Amsterdam canal last month was described as a “very gentle soul” at his funeral Mass last evening.

Photographer and Hard Rock Cafe waiter Paul Nolan Miralles (36) is believed to have drowned after falling into a canal after a work night out. His body later came in contact with the propeller of a passing vessel.

The circumstances of his death were described during the Mass at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Huntstown, west Dublin, as an “extremely traumatic” event for his family and friends.

In his eulogy, his younger brother Jaime said he did not want him to be remembered for what had transpired in the last few weeks.


If there was one phrase to describe his brother it would be “a very gentle soul”, he said. He wore his heart on his sleeve at every opportunity, he added.

He had lived in Amsterdam for many years and Jaime Nolan Miralles spoke of the many emotional goodbyes with his brother at the airport. He had a “wealth of friends” in Ireland, Holland and all over the world who had come together to bond and show their love for Paul, he said.

Members of Mr Nolan Miralles’s family from Clonsilla, Dublin, had flown to Amsterdam after he went missing on April 13th. His family conducted the search and were involved in recovering some of his dismembered body parts from the canal.

Last night a special prayer was also said for the Signi Search Dogs Association, which had helped in the search.

Mr Nolan Miralles’s remains were cremated on Wednesday and his funeral urn was blessed last night. The ashes will be scattered at Katwijk beach, the Netherlands, tomorrow.

He is survived by his parents Brendan and Rosario, his sisters Anne and Sarah and brothers Jaime, David and Michael.

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery is Deputy Head of Audience at The Irish Times