Funfair death may have been heart attack

The results of a post-mortem on a young Dublin girl who died following a roller-coaster ride at Funderland in the RDS are expected…

The results of a post-mortem on a young Dublin girl who died following a roller-coaster ride at Funderland in the RDS are expected to be made known today. It appears that the 12-year-old died of a heart attack. The incident is being investigated by gardai. Anne-Marie Vernor, from Grangegorman Villas, off Prussia Street, Dublin, became ill on Saturday afternoon. She had visited Funderland with her mother Ann, father Patrick, and her twin sister Cora.

Cora accompanied her on the ride, which lasts for just over one minute. Afterwards, according to Mr John Magee, Funderland's marketing manager, Cora alighted to join her mother but the attendant noticed that Anne-Marie was unwell and appeared to be unconscious. Members of the Funderland staff helped her down from the car.

"The St John's Ambulance station was only 20 yards away so they were on the scene immediately," said Mr Magee, adding that they attempted to revive her. A cardiac ambulance was called shortly after 4 p.m., and the girl was brought to St Vincent's Hospital, accompanied by a Garda escort.

"We are all distressed about what happened," said Mr Magee. "We are awaiting the results of the post-mortem examination." This was due to be carried out yesterday afternoon. Mr Magee said that no such incident had ever occurred at Funderland before. Over 200,000 people visit Funderland each year during a 21-day period after Christmas.