Niamh Sheeran, the fund-raiser with the Irish Hospice Foundation, had rather a bright idea a couple of months ago. She decided to put together a second fund-raising committee made up of young and funky folk to work on events that would appeal to . . . well, a young and funky generation. The result is called IHF2 and includes designer Marc O'Neill; Hannah Moore, one of the entrepreneurs behind the regular Beauty Spot Night in Colombia nightclub; Ali Rohan, who is currently moving up the ranks in the PR world; and Shane McGonigal, one of the hot shots at advertising company DDFH&B. Their first event comes up at the end of this month and it seems like an impressive party plan. Called La Dolce Vita, it's going to borrow a fair bit of the glamour of Fellini's classic film - the dress code is "slinky dresses and sharp suits" and Lambrettas are optional. It will take place in the classy Herbert Park Hotel on August 28th and tickets are £50 a head. It already looks like being one of the hippest parties of the summer so call the Irish Hospice Foundation at 01-6765599 to book.