Gaiety stages world's first live theatre advert

The world's first theatrical advert premiered last night at the Gaiety theatre in Dublin

The world's first theatrical advert premiered last night at the Gaiety theatre in Dublin. The three-minute advert promoting tourism in London was performed before a production of Saturday Night Fever.

Pauline McLynn, better known as Mrs Doyle in Father Ted, appeared in a cameo role in the advert. "It's very light-hearted and gentle," she said. "It's not like a health and safety ad."

The advert was previewed in London's Piccadilly's Comedy Theatre last month. In each city a local celebrity will play the cameo role.

Kathryn Smith, spokeswoman for Visit London, said the advert had been in the pipeline since autumn, with each advert tailored to the city it is performed in. For example, the Dublin performance compares shopping on Grafton Street to shopping on Oxford Street.


Visit London approached the Gaiety with the idea of premiering the advert in Dublin, said John Costigan, managing director of the theatre. "It's a novel promotion, and it's good to be first," he said.