Galway city manager defends staff

Galway Corporation has expressed full confidence in the integrity of its planning staff after a senior executive was named in…

Galway Corporation has expressed full confidence in the integrity of its planning staff after a senior executive was named in a submission to Bord Pleanala in relation to a £30 million docklands development. The city manager, Mr Joe Gavin, returned from annual leave to deal with the controversy. Last night he issued an eight-page statement in which he insisted that the planning department had nothing to hide.

He confirmed that a senior planning executive, Mr John Roche, had declared his business dealings with O'Malley Construction, the project developer. The development at Long Walks was halted for 11 weeks due to a planning problem, but Bord Pleanala gave it the go-ahead again last week.

Mr Gavin issued the statement last night after it had emerged that Mr Roche had bought an oratory (on the former Christian Brothers property at Lower Salthill) from O'Malley.

The firm is also involved in the renovation and development of apartments on the site.


The city manager said Mr Roche's dealings were completely above board. They were signed in the Register of Interests for local authority planning staff and available for public inspection at the City Hall.

Mr John Roche has completed the Declaration of Interests and has updated them from time to time, he said. They have been, and continue to be, available for public inspection in the Register of Interests.