Gangland-linked murder prompts criticism of Government

The opposition tonight claimed the Government was failing to deal with the threat from bloody gangland feuds as gardai investigated…

The opposition tonight claimed the Government was failing to deal with the threat from bloody gangland feuds as gardai investigated a drugs link to the latest murder in north Dublin.

Unemployed father-of-one Gerard Goulding was lured to a housing estate near Donaghmede late last night where a lone gunman shot him in the back of the head.

Enda Kenny, Fine Gael leader, told TDs in the Dail the latest killing was further evidence that drugs-related crime is rampant right across the capital.

"Crime figures are not just statistics. They are the evidence of murder and terror spreading their way across this city," Mr Kenny claimed.


"This is what is behind the necessity to feed a cocaine habit costing 1,000 euro a day which is now rampant in this city."

Mr Kenny claimed that only 12 of the 75 murders committed with weapons between 1998-2004 had resulted in convictions. And he accused the Fianna Fail/Progressive Democrat coalition of failing during nine years of government to deal with the threat to society from drugs gangs.

Gardai believe a lone gunman carried out the murder and are also working on the assumption that Goulding, from North Clarence Street, may have known his killer.

Head of the investigation Superintendent Noel McLaughlin said the killing was carried out after petty criminal and heroin addict Goulding arranged to meet someone just off St Donagh's Road at around 10pm. Less than an hour later he was lying murdered on waste ground.

"It is another horrific murder ... We do feel that the deceased had an appointment to meet someone in the area," the Superintendent said. "This is a very, very residential area and the community are in shock."

It is understood the 24-year-old left his girlfriend at their flat in the north inner city and got a taxi to Donaghmede at around 10pm.

Detectives were probing whether the hit was ordered over drug debts.

Supt McLaughlin appealed for taxi drivers who had taken fares to the Donaghmede area between 10pm and 11pm yesterday  to come forward.