Garda height restriction to be reviewed

The minimum height requirement for entry to An Garda Siochana is to be examined by an advisory committee, appointed by the Minister…

The minimum height requirement for entry to An Garda Siochana is to be examined by an advisory committee, appointed by the Minister for Justice yesterday.

The physical competence review test group, announced by Mr O'Donoghue, has been issued with its terms of reference and will shortly begin taking submissions from the public and interested parties.

Mr Jimmy Martin of the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform will chair the group, which includes Assistant Garda Commissioner Fachtna Murphy and Dr Ciaran Mac Donncha of the University of Limerick, who has international experience in physical competency.

Advertisements will appear in the media in the coming days inviting submissions from the public on the height requirement and its continued relevance to policing.


Eligible candidates for the Garda must currently be between 18 and 26 years of age, in good mental and bodily health, be of good character and stand not less the 175cms tall in the case of men and 165cms for women.

The Minister is understood to be impressed by the equality argument on the issue which stresses that a woman recruit undergoes identical training at the Templemore College to her male counterpart, and therefore a man of 165cms would also be able to carry out all aspects of Garda work.

An opposing view believes it is necessary for a Garda to stand a minimum height to allow him a competent presence when dealing with an aggressive approach.