Garda hunt under way after kidnapping of bank official's wife

GARDAÍ ARE searching for at least two men who abducted a bank official’s wife and attempted to rob a Co Dublin bank.

GARDAÍ ARE searching for at least two men who abducted a bank official’s wife and attempted to rob a Co Dublin bank.

The woman was released unharmed yesterday afternoon and no money was stolen from Bank of Ireland in Raheny.

Shortly after 8am, the two men went to the bank official’s house in Hacketstown, Skerries, Co Dublin. They took the official’s wife hostage and abducted her in a car.

The kidnappers then demanded a sum of money from the bank official’s Raheny branch.


However, gardaí became aware of the incident and responded with local and national units.

The woman was released at about 1pm without any physical injury at Sheepgrange, Slane Road, Drogheda, Co Louth

A silver Ford Focus hatchback was subsequently discovered burned out at the entrance to a quarry at Mullachrone, Donore, Co Louth. Gardaí have appealed for information about the car which may have been involved in the crime.

At least two men were involved in the kidnapping, officers have said. Both are described as young and possibly in their 20s with strong Dublin accents. One of the men wore a high-visibility jacket and was carrying a clip-board.

The bank official and his wife have been through a “traumatic experience”, gardaí said. They urged the media to respect the privacy of the couple.

Officers have appealed for information on any unusual activity in Hacketstown early in the morning and in the last 10 days. They are particularly interested in movements in the area on Monday, April 12th, when a car was seen parked in the vicinity.

This is the second so-called “tiger kidnapping” incident this year. In early January a security guard and two members of his family were taken hostage in an incident which led to the theft of more than € 100,000.

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery is Deputy Head of Audience at The Irish Times