Garda reserve will be operational next year - McDowell

The Minister for Justice said today he hoped the Garda reserve force would be operational within 12 months.

The Minister for Justice said today he hoped the Garda reserve force would be operational within 12 months.

Speaking from the Progressive Democrats national conference in Limerick Mr McDowell said he hoped recruitment of the first 900 of 4,000 of the reservists would begin in September and that following training they would be trained and available for duty "this time next year".

The Minister faces continued opposition from Garda Representative Association and Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors. The latter is holding its annual general conference next week and has declined to invite the Minister to address their delegates.

However, the Association of Garda Superintendents has come out in support of the plan.


President of the AGS, Superintendent Noel McLoughlin, said the scheme - which is widely opposed by rank and file members of the force - would enhance their capacity to respond to emergency calls.

Regulations for the reserves, which are currently being drafted, will shortly be brought before the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Justice, Equality, Defence and Women's Rights which Mr McDowell said has given its overwhelming backing.

The proposals have also been continuously supported by the Garda Commissioner.