Gardai follow leads in Galway killing

Gardai are "confident" of solving the killing of the Galway taxi driver, Mrs Eileen Costello O'Shaughnessy, but say no breakthrough…

Gardai are "confident" of solving the killing of the Galway taxi driver, Mrs Eileen Costello O'Shaughnessy, but say no breakthrough in the investigation is imminent.

The team of detectives, based in Mill Street station, is following a series of leads and embarking on what is expected to be a lengthy investigation and elimination of suspects.

It is understood they are still looking for a single male suspect, possibly a local.

It is also believed robbery was the likely motive. Mrs Costello O'Shaughnessy was due to hand over nearly a full week's takings to the taxi-plate owner on the day she was found dead. The takings could amount to up to £1,000, according to local sources. The money has no been recovered.


Mrs Costello O'Shaughnessy was found dead from head wounds in a lay-by near Claregalway but had not been sexually assaulted. It is understood she picked up a fare in Galway on November 30th and drove the nine miles or so to the point where she was attacked and killed.

The radio was torn from the dashboard of the car, and it is possible she was beaten in order to make her say where the takings were hidden.

The officer in charge of the investigation, Chief Supt Tom Monaghan, said yesterday: "It is a very painstaking investigation but we are confident it will produce results. We are getting excellent co-operation from the public but we would like to appeal to anyone out there who has any information - no matter how insignificant - to come forward."

The killing has attracted a great deal of interest in the Galway area, and many rumours have spread about the possible motives.