Gardaí investigate armed robbery in Limerick

Gardaí in Limerick are investigating an armed robbery that took place at a service station on Main Street in Foynes shortly before…

Gardaí in Limerick are investigating an armed robbery that took place at a service station on Main Street in Foynes shortly before 11pm last night.

A woman, who was sitting in her car outside the service station, was approached by a man who took her out of her car and led her into the service station shop at knife point.

The man was then joined by two other raiders, both armed with shotguns. Two shots were fired during the robbery but nobody was injured. The raiders left the shop on foot with an undisclosed amount of money.

The raiders are described as being 5 ft 7'' or 5 ft 8'' tall with slim builds. All their faces were covered and they were wearing dark clothing.

They are believed to be foreign nationals.

Anyone with information to offer in relation to this incident is asked to contact Gardaí at Askeaton on 061 601630, the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111, or any Garda Station.