Gardai investigate fatal hit and run

Gardaí in Co Limerick are investigating a fatal hit-and-run incident in which a 49-year-old pedestrian was killed, writes Karl…

Gardaí in Co Limerick are investigating a fatal hit-and-run incident in which a 49-year-old pedestrian was killed, writes Karl Hanlon.

The man's body was found by passers-by with serious head injuries on the outskirts of Kilmallock on the main road to Bruree at 11.40 p.m. on Thursday night.

The victim was named yesterday as Mr William Murphy, who had been living at Glenfield, Kilmallock, but was originally from Co Tipperary. Gardaí at Bruff said they believed Mr Murphy had been hit by a vehicle which failed to stop. The scene of the incident was preserved yesterday for technical examination.

The State Pathologist, Dr Marie Cassidy, was due to carry out a post-mortem on the body at the Mid-Western Regional Hospital.


Gardaí have appealed for anyone who was travelling on the Bruff to Kilmallock road between 11 p.m. and 12 p.m. on Thursday to contact them at the incident room on 061 -382490.