Gardai investigate Limerick, Dublin rapes

Gardai are investigating three reported rapes, two in Limerick and one in Dublin

Gardai are investigating three reported rapes, two in Limerick and one in Dublin. In Limerick, gardai at Henry Street are appealing for information in relation to both incidents there, but a Garda spokesperson said yesterday they did not believe the two were connected.

At 3 a.m. on Saturday morning, a 19-year-old woman was raped on

Charlotte Quay, while a 50year-old woman was raped on the Dublin Road early on Friday.

The 19-year-old woman, according to gardai, was pulled into a laneway at the rear of buildings on Charlotte Quay.


In the 2.15 a.m. attack on Friday, the woman was pulled into a driveway near St Patrick's School, on the Dublin Road, where the attack took place.

Gardai are treating both incidents as "very serious" and anyone with information with regard to either incident can contact the Crime

Office at Henry Street (061 414222).

Meanwhile, gardai in Dublin are investigating the rape of a young woman early yesterday. The woman was walking in Upper Leeson Street when she was accosted by a man who attacked and raped her in the grounds of a nearby house.