Gardai looking for prison link to mugging

Gardaí in Limerick were last night investigating whether there was any connection between an incident in which a young man was…

Gardaí in Limerick were last night investigating whether there was any connection between an incident in which a young man was subjected to a terrifying mugging ordeal and his father's job as a prison officer.

The 22-year-old chef was dragged into a car while he was waiting for a bus home shortly before midnight on Thursday night outside the Radisson Hotel on the outskirts of Limerick city.

The man was bundled into a car by five youths who mugged him before dumping him on a country road near the village of Meelick in Co Clare.

During the journey the gang stole the man's mobile phone, watch and wallet. It's understood the victim was also beaten as he tried to escape.


Gardaí were yesterday investigating reports that the gang then used the man's phone to call his father, who works as a prison officer in Limerick prison.

A spokesman for the Prison Officers' Association claimed yesterday that the mugging could have been linked to a number of recent attacks on the homes and property of staff at Limerick prison.

However, gardaí said last night that all motives would be explored and that they had no evidence at this stage to link the incident with the occupation of the victim's father.

"This man was the unfortunate victim of a mean crime but there is no indication yet that it was connected to his father's occupation, however, we are definitely keeping an open mind," said a Garda spokesman.

In recent weeks the home and property of two prison officers were targeted.

In separate arson attacks a garage at the home of one Limerick prison officer was burnt down while a jeep belonging to another officer was completely gutted outside his home. The jeep - valued at some €15,000 - was burnt out just hours after two bullets were found in the prison.

Two .38 bullets were found on the ground outside an inmate's cell in the A wing of the jail. It is understood the inmate, who is currently serving a sentence for firearms offences, had survived an assassination attempt in Limerick three years' ago. Prison officers said they feared a gun may have been smuggled into the prison and that the bullets could have been used in a fresh assassination bid.

Follow-up searches in the prison did not reveal any firearms but it is understood the officers whose property was targeted took part in the recent searches.