Gardai question man over death after pub row

Gardaí have interviewed a 26-year-old man who was involved in a row outside a pub in Rathnew, Co Wicklow, following which a 40…

Gardaí have interviewed a 26-year-old man who was involved in a row outside a pub in Rathnew, Co Wicklow, following which a 40-year old man died.

Yesterday morning the body of Mr Malcolm Franey was found by family members at his home in Brooklands, Wicklow town.

He had been involved in a row outside a pub in Rathnew the previous evening, during which he was knocked unconscious.

Yesterday afternoon the State Pathologist, Ms Marie Cassidy, carried out a post-mortem on the body of Mr Franey at Loughlinstown hospital.


The 26-year-old man interviewed by gardaí is believed to have struck Mr Franey during the row.

The man has a series of convictions for criminal damage and larceny offences, and had just been released from prison. He is also suspected of dealing in drugs and of being involved in a serious arson attack.

According to locals, Mr Franey had been drinking with friends in the Rathnew House pub on Tuesday evening when the 26-year-old man entered the pub, acting in an aggressive manner and searching for a local man, a regular who was also in the pub.

An altercation ensued between the 26-year-old and the local man over what was believed to be a debt.

Mr Franey and other drinkers then came to the aid of the local man, and a row developed outside.

During the altercation, the 26- year-old, who is well-built, is believed to have assaulted Mr Franey, who fell, knocking his head against the ground.

He regained consciousness after a few minutes but refused to be brought to hospital, and asked to be brought home. He had no serious facial injuries.

"He was white as a ghost," according to one local. "He was put into the recovery position and came around, but he wouldn't go to hospital, even though there was an ambulance there."

Gardaí were also called to the scene and arrested the 26-year-old on criminal damages charges. Eyewitnesses say he resisted arrest and attempted to break the windows of the Garda car. He was released yesterday.

Another local was injured during the row, and was being treated in St Vincent's Hospital in Dublin yesterday for a fractured jaw, which was broken in a number of places.

Yesterday gardaí were conducting house-to-house inquiries in Rathnew village in a bid to establish the circumstances surrounding the row.

A large area around the Rathnew House pub had also been cordoned off for technical examination.

A spokesman for the Garda said last night that the results of the post-mortem were not being released for operational reasons, and that gardaí were continuing their inquiries into Mr Franey's death.

Locals in Wicklow described Mr Franey, who was married with no children, as a quiet and well-respected member of the community in Wicklow.