Gardaí question man over Tipperary station fire

A man is being questioned by gardai today following a fire at a garda station in Co Tipperary.

A man is being questioned by gardai today following a fire at a garda station in Co Tipperary.

Gardaí from Thurles Garda Station were alerted to the blaze at 3.40am after an alarm went off at Littleton Garda Station.

Fire services were called and the blaze was brought under control.

The detained man was arrested near the scene and is being held for questioning under Section Four of the Criminal Justice Act at Thurles Garda Station.


Littleton Garda Station was unmanned at the time and there were no injuries.

A garda at Thurles Garda Station said this was the second time a blaze had been set at the station, the first was several months ago.