Gardai remove students from Department building

Gardaí have removed 11 students who had barricaded themselves into a room at the Department of Finance this morning in protest…

Gardaí have removed 11 students who had barricaded themselves into a room at the Department of Finance this morning in protest at Government cutbacks.

The students, who entered the building at about 8.45 a.m. and barricaded themselves into a room, want the decision to increase third-level registration fees by 69 per cent reversed. They said they would stay there as long as it takes for the Government to answer their demands.

However, gardaí removed the students peacefully at around 11.15 a.m.The Union of Students of Ireland said it did not organise the protest but fully supported it.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times