Gardai seek witnesses to sexual assault after disco

Gardai in Co Meath are appealing for information on a serious sexual assault on a young woman who accepted a lift from four young…

Gardai in Co Meath are appealing for information on a serious sexual assault on a young woman who accepted a lift from four young men as she left a disco in Navan.

The incident occurred at about 3 a.m. on Friday, September 28th, when the woman, who is in her early 20s, left the Solar disco in the Newgrange Hotel and made her way towards the town square to hail a taxi.

Four men aged between 18 and 22 offered her a lift in a family-sized, four-door saloon, possibly light blue in colour. The car was driven towards Trim before being turned into a lane leading towards Grange Bective.

There the woman was sexually assaulted by two of the men, one of whom is alleged to have raped her.


Sgt Michael Bennett, of Trim Garda station, said that following the attack the car was driven back into Navan and the woman was released at Commons Road after 4 a.m. After raising the alarm, she received treatment over the weekend at the sexual assault unit in the Rotunda Hospital. She gave a detailed statement to gardai this week.

According to Sgt Bennett, the centre of Navan was very busy that night, with crowds attending the Solar disco and a concert by Dublin band Aslan. "There were still a lot of people on the streets around 3 a.m."

Gardai wish to speak to people who attended the Solar disco or the Aslan concert, or who were in the vicinity of the town square between 2 a.m. and 3.30 a.m., or in the Commons Road area between 4 a.m. and 5 a.m. Anyone with information is asked to contact Trim Garda station on 04631222.