Garden Work

As the garden rolls relentlessly into autumn, the temptation is to hang up our tools and retreat indoors

As the garden rolls relentlessly into autumn, the temptation is to hang up our tools and retreat indoors. Don't! Instead, do a methodical walkabout with notebook and pen (and perhaps a camera) and make a note of the year's successes and failures. It is essential to do this before the garden shrivels up and shucks off its foliage. When faced with bare bones and blank ground, even the most experienced gardener finds it difficult to remember just how huge some plants grow, and how they swamp their mates, or cut out the light.

Note which plants will need moving in the coming weeks, that is, those which have outgrown their space, or which might fare better in different conditions.

Many perennial plants (non-shrubs) will have become woody and unproductive in their centres, these will perform better next year if they are divided soon.