Garden Work

April 25th - May 1st

April 25th - May 1st

Fresh basil is so full of lively, volatile flavour that the dried herb is a very poor substitute indeed. But, it's not the easiest to grow, especially if you are of the nurturing type. Basil thrives on neglect, and the trick is to resist watering it until the leaves are beginning to droop with thirst. Overwatered basil inevitably succumbs to "damping off disease". Sow the seed now in trays to germinate in a warm spot. Prick out the seedlings into small pots, a few to each pot. Grow on in a hot and sunny place (it only works outdoors here during really baking summers) and be vigilant about removing greenfly, which adore it. Pinch out the growing tips constantly to encourage bushiness and delay flowering.