Gay slur councillor fails to turn up at hearing

A local councillor convicted of a gay slur against a colleague on a Co Antrim District Policing Partnership (DPP) failed to show…

A local councillor convicted of a gay slur against a colleague on a Co Antrim District Policing Partnership (DPP) failed to show up at the body's hearing into the incident today.

The DPP was forced to put off a decision on whether to dismiss Newtownabbey councillor Mr Arthur Templeton. He has already been suspended from the Democratic Unionist Party following his verbal attacks on fellow DPP member Mr John Blair.

Last month, Mr Templeton was fined stg£250 at Belfast Magistrates Court for harassing Mr Blair.

The Policing Board met today to decide whether he should be thrown off the Newtownabbey DPP. The incident has been described as a "very serious case" by board vice chairman Mr Denis Bradley.


The today board said Mr Templeton was invited to the meeting to make representation but did not attend. He has now been asked to confirm he was aware of the invitation.

In his absence board members considered all information presented to it and discussed the full implications of the case.

"Board members agreed a course of action but noted the requirement to seek further legal advice before taking a decision," said a statement from the board.

Chairman, Prof Desmond Rea added: "From the outset members of this board have considered this case carefully and within the parameters of the law.

"It is essential that the board deals with this case in a considered way and one which ensures that the rights of all are protected; and public confidence in the ability of the DPPs to fully meet its important responsibilities are sustained."

"Board members agreed to seek further legal clarification before a decision can be taken by the board at its meeting on June 3rd", he added.