Girl on prostitution charge to be placed in care home

A 17-year-old girl charged with prostitution has been released from custody to be put into a care home but she is not permitted…

A 17-year-old girl charged with prostitution has been released from custody to be put into a care home but she is not permitted to live with her mother.

It is alleged that the teenager had been accompanied by her mother and her little sister, aged six, when she was engaged in an act of prostitution in a laneway, the Children's Court had heard.

The girl had claimed that her mother was protecting her. "She was minding me, making sure I don't get pregnant," she had said.

The girl's mother, who was in court yesterday, has also been arrested as part of the investigation and could be prosecuted for her involvement.


The teenager is charged under section 7 of the Criminal Law Sexual Offences Act for loitering in a public place with intent to solicit or importune another person for the purposes of prostitution, at Stoneybatter, Dublin, on January 3rd.

The girl has spent the last three weeks in custody over fears for her safety and to allow time for social workers to intervene.

Judge Angela Ní Chondúin heard yesterday that a team of social workers had intervened and a placement in a care home had been provided where the girl could be monitored around the clock.

The judge agreed to grant bail but added that the case would be continually supervised by the court.

The girl was granted bail for two weeks on condition that she remain in the care home from 7 p.m. until morning time.

She also ordered the girl to co-operate with a comprehensive care programme.

The girl, who had been abusing heroin, is to be given counselling for drug abuse, educational assistance, and a psychological assessment may also be undertaken.

"I want to retrieve what I can of her young life and get it back on track," Judge Ní Chondúin said as she released the girl on strict bail terms.