Gloves off long before autumn

Fine Gael was first off the mark this week, well in advance of the return of the Dail on October 3rd, with a package of parliamentary…

Fine Gael was first off the mark this week, well in advance of the return of the Dail on October 3rd, with a package of parliamentary reforms designed to increase the efficiency of the Oireachtas and, if at all possible, improve the public standing of politicians. But Fianna Fail was quick to attack claiming that the ideas, including fewer Dail seats, more sitting days, fewer committees and a general streamlining of the operation, were stolen from an all-party committee, have been under discussion for some time and were due to be presented by a united front very shortly. The two parties continue to disagree about the status of the proposals but it is clear that FG is strenuously gearing up for a general election, bringing forth policy ideas and enthusing the troops and FF is developing an attacking rather than a defensive role. The Soldiers of Destiny are becoming less prone to taking either Opposition criticism or initiatives lying down; they are fighting back. FG had no sooner launched its new policy at this week's meeting in Athlone than Government chief whip Seamus Brennan was out attacking its origins, as opposed to its content.

FF has always been reluctant to take any Opposition idea or legislation on board but within the last month it has adopted a much more aggressive approach. Opposition ideas, including FG on road safety, and Labour on health, were no sooner announced than FF was on the attack. The new attitude, to regain ground lost over the O'Flaherty affair and keep the Government in office for at least another year, will be promoted when FF backbenchers meet the front bench for a pep talk in Kilkenny in 10 days' time. While image and perception are now so important, it is unclear if FF will follow the FG example and present a run-down on the performance, dress and presentation of every member of the parliamentary party. The assessment was produced by Deputy Jimmy Deenihan, on party instruction and with professional assistance, and presented to the Athlone gathering on Tuesday. The details, which pulled no punches and are said to be fairly damning about some individuals, are being kept under wraps - but were the subject of much hilarity and discussion at dinner that night. Deenihan, a former Kerry footballer, may not be the smoothest of the Blue Shirts but he is certainly well-dressed and definitely the fittest. Who would FF choose to do a similar assessment? Who is their Mr Suave?