Gore unveils his budget plan

Cleveland - The Democratic presidential nominee, Mr Al Gore, unveiled a budget plan yesterday detailing how he would use a projected…

Cleveland - The Democratic presidential nominee, Mr Al Gore, unveiled a budget plan yesterday detailing how he would use a projected record federal surplus of $4.6 trillion over the next decade to help virtually all Americans and maintain the robust economy. The proposal sets 10 ambitious goals. They include: eliminating the federal debt by 2012 while balancing the budget each year; raising middle-class family income by one-third; bringing the poverty rate to below 10 per cent for the first time, and doubling the number of families who have at least $50,000 in savings.

Mr Gore would also create a $300 billion "reserve fund" in case budget forecasts by the Congressional Budget Office are not met or to fund accelerated debt reduction if they are on target or better than expected.