Government defends record on homelessness

The Government hit back tonight at claims that it has failed to tackle homelessness and claimed there were enough beds to ensure…

The Government hit back tonight at claims that it has failed to tackle homelessness and claimed there were enough beds to ensure no-one was forced to sleep rough.

The Minister of State at the Department of the Environment, Mr Noel Ahern, accused Fine Gael of "trivialising" the issue with publicity stunts which take the focus away from the positive work being done.

"Over €190 million has been allocated by my Department alone since 1999 to address the accommodation needs of homeless persons," Mr Ahern said.

Over the past four years, significant measures had been put in place which had resulted in the number of people sleeping on the streets in Dublin being reduced to below 40 each night, he said.


But Mr Fergus O'Dowd, Fine Gael environment spokesperson, highlighted what he claimed was the Government's "continuing failure".

"This year to date there are 6,000 people homeless," he said. "I share [the homeless charity] Focus Ireland 's disappointment that the necessary 10,000 social housing units will not be built next year.

"The Government has failed, year after year, to get to grips with the social housing crisis, and 2005 will be no different."

The Louth TD claimed there had been no commitment and no vision to allow for the creation of the type of accommodation which provides a semi-independent environment in which the homeless can live and overcome their problems.