Government pledges more aid for Grenada

The Government today pledged a further €250,000 assistance to the small Caribbean island of Grenada in the wake of devastating…

The Government today pledged a further €250,000 assistance to the small Caribbean island of Grenada in the wake of devastating hurricanes in the region.

Substantial damage was caused to the island in September and October, particularly by Hurricane Ivan, which destroyed around 80 per cent of all buildings.

Over half the population of 90,000 was made homeless and 39 people were killed. Mr Conor Lenihan, Development Minister, said: "While the emergency has now passed, there are great development needs in terms of rehabilitation of infrastructure, including schools, health clinics and housing.

"This new aid will be focused on the long term development needs of the island and its people."


The total hurricane damage is likely to reach almost $900 million. Tourism income and traditional crops have also been badly affected. Economic growth forecasts are predicting a drop of 6 per cent in GNP.

Grenada suffered heavy infrastructural damage to schools, health clinics and housing. Water, electricity and phone services were also damaged. Around 60,000 needed some assistance and 5,000 required emergency shelter.

Irish assistance to the island will be delivered through NGOs, the Red Cross, UN agencies and through Irish missionaries via the Missionary Development Fund.