Government to unveil €180bn plan

The Government is to publish details this afternoon of its National Development Plan (NDP) 2007-2013.

The Government is to publish details this afternoon of its National Development Plan (NDP) 2007-2013.

The plan will see some €180 billion pumped into key areas of the economy over the next six years.

NDP 2007-2013 will be the biggest single investment programme in the history of the State - dwarfing the €57 billion spent on the previous National Development Plan 2000-2006.

The plan will outline monies the Government plans to see invested in transport, children's initiatives, housing, social programmes, education, enterprise and the all-island economy.


Notably, it is the first time that taxpayers' money will be spent on public infrastructure across the Border on such a massive scale.

Funding for "Transport 21," the Government's €34 billion infrastructure plan will be included in the NDP 2007-2013.

The plan will see some €50 billion invested in social inclusion, of which, €13 billion will go to children's programmes.

The Government will commit to building 100,000 social and affordable homes under the scheme and a further €50 billion on economic infrastructure.

The Economic, Social and Research Institute has warned that the scale of investment is too large to be absorbed into the economy, however. The ESRI is concerned the spending may lead to inflation and poor value for money and has advised the Government to cut back the investment.