Great Southern give-way

Jackie Healy-Rae has struck again

Jackie Healy-Rae has struck again. Mary O'Rourke has been pondering the future of one of her charges, Aer Rianta, the airports' authority. The Minister's consultants have outlined a number of options, including a partial privatisation. They strongly urge that, whatever O'Rourke does, Aer Rianta should not be in the hotel business, so Great Southern Hotels should be sold off. There are three GSH properties in Healy-Rae's south Kerry constituency, two in Killarney and one in Parknasilla. The workers, mainly SIPTU members, like the idea of being owned by a State company and have lobbied their Independent TD to oppose any dastardly moves towards privatisation. Fianna Fail sources tell Quidnunc Healy-Rae has dug his heels in - not for the first time - and that whatever solution O'Rourke eventually comes up with, GSH will remain in public ownership.