Groups object to plans for €320m Shannon tunnel

Residents and interest groups have been making submissions on the proposed construction of phase two of the Limerick Southern…

Residents and interest groups have been making submissions on the proposed construction of phase two of the Limerick Southern Ring Road, which includes a €320 million tunnel under the River Shannon.

Work on the construction of Limerick's fourth river crossing - a twin-box tunnel - is due to begin next year, with a scheduled completion date of 2009.

The proposed tunnel, which will run from Mungret on the southern side of the river to an area west of Coonagh on the northern side, will be 800 metres long and up to 10 metres deep.

At a Bord Pleanála oral hearing at the Kilmurry Lodge Hotel in Limerick yesterday, residents outlined objections to the proposed construction. Groups including An Taisce, the Irish Aviation Authority and Birdwatch Ireland made submissions on the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).


Mr Michael O'Donnell BL told the hearing that he represented a group of 94 residents under the umbrella of the Ballykeefe Residents' Action Group.

Mr O'Donnell said it had been accepted by all parties concerned that the Ballykeefe residents would be the group worst affected by the proposed construction.

A proposed link road to the tunnel on the southern side of the River Shannon came within 27 metres of the nearest house, he told the hearing. The houses had been built in the 1950s and a majority of the resident population were aged in their 70s and 80s, he added.

Mr O'Donnell criticised Limerick County Council for a lack of consultation with local residents in drawing up the EIS. "A scheme has been foisted on these people and they have not been given any option but to accept it or regret it," Mr O'Donnell said.

The hearing continues today.