Gunmen storm Iraqi TV station and kill 11

Gunmen stormed a television station in Baghdad today and shot dead 11 staff in the biggest attack yet on media in Iraq.

Gunmen stormed a television station in Baghdad today and shot dead 11 staff in the biggest attack yet on media in Iraq.

Iraqi media organisations, funded by religious or political groups, are frequent targets for militant groups as attacks by Sunni Arab insurgents and sectarian death squads continue to convulse the country, killing an estimated 100 people a day.

Shaabiya satellite channel, owned by a small secular political party, has not yet begun broadcasting. Its executive manager, Hassan Kamil, stressed it had no political agenda and that the staff had been a mix of Sunni, Shia and Kurds.

Kamil said gunmen driving at least five four-wheel drive vehicles raided the station's office in eastern Zayouna district at 7am, killing guards, technicians and administrative staff.


"Some of them were wearing police uniforms and others civilian clothing. All were masked," he said.

Kamil said the staff had been staying overnight in the station. Most were shot as they lay sleeping in their beds, while one was shot in the bathroom. Only two employees survived the attack, one of whom was severely wounded, he said.