Hague sets the trend in battle for underwear

The Conservative leader, Mr William Hague, is streets ahead of the Prime Minister, Mr Blair - in the battle of the underwear

The Conservative leader, Mr William Hague, is streets ahead of the Prime Minister, Mr Blair - in the battle of the underwear. Though Mr Hague lags far behind Mr Blair in opinion polls for the June 7th election, underpants emblazoned "I Love William Hague" are outselling similar pairs supporting Mr Blair 10 to one at a London bookshop.

"Hague's mugs and baseball caps are also selling far better than Blair's. Perhaps it is the people's opinion poll indicating we'll see an upset at the election," said Mr Peter Just, manager of the Westminster bookshop Politico's.

But it is a racy pale blue pair with black lace and yellow writing pledging loyalty to portly Conservative shadow home secretary Ms Ann Widdecombe that is the top seller.

"It is unbelievable. At Valentine's Day we sold out very quickly. We can't seem to keep them on the shelf," Mr Just said.


Politico's counts on politicians and people working around the corridors of power as their best customers.