Hain warns NI parties to maximise US investment

The North's political parties must make progress towards restoring devolution if they are to maximise US investment, they were…

The North's political parties must make progress towards restoring devolution if they are to maximise US investment, they were told tonight.

As he left New York for Washington for a series of meetings with key United States politicians, Northern Ireland Secretary Peter Hain said American supporters of the peace process would not understand it if any political party refused to play their part next year in reviving the devolved government at Stormont.

"What has struck me again on this visit to the United States is how much support there is for the process and for the Government's negotiating strategy," he said.

"There has been a dramatic shift in Irish American opinion towards understanding the British Government's case.


"However US opinion will not understand if parties refuse to take part in any political negotiation which occur next year.

"There will be no sympathy for any party which withdraws the bat in the negotiations."