Halloween passes off without major incident

Halloween passed off relatively peacefully last night with gardaí and fire brigades reporting no major incidents.

Halloween passed off relatively peacefully last night with gardaí and fire brigades reporting no major incidents.

Speaking to ireland.comthis morning, a Garda spokeswoman said although the night was busy as usual, it was no busier than any Halloween in recent memory.

A spokeswoman for the Dublin Fire Brigade said all its units were out attending bonfires from 6pm, with a steady number of calls from concerned residents.

No major property damage were reported, however, and few fires had to be extinguished, she added.


Dublin City Council organised community Halloween festivals and firework displays in an attempt to discourage large bonfires on green spaces.

Some 350 illegal bonfires were reported in the city last year, with the council spending more than €500,000 on the clean-up in the days following Halloween.

Fire crews in Northern Ireland were called out to 339 incidents in the 12 hours from 6pm last night - a drop from 455 last year.