Harney stresses Irish-Chinese business links

The Tánaiste, Ms Harney hosted a business breakfast for the Chinese Prime Minister, Mr Wen Jiabao in Dublin this morning.

The Tánaiste, Ms Harney hosted a business breakfast for the Chinese Prime Minister, Mr Wen Jiabao in Dublin this morning.

Speaking at this morning's breakfast, Ms Harney said that China was rapidly becoming a very important player in Ireland's foreign trade.

Ms Harney said Ireland was keen to expand on the pattern of two-way trade growth between the two countries and said she would encourage Irish companies to use the offices of Enterprise Ireland in China as a "first step to accessing information about the Chinese market."

Some 140 representatives of of Irish business and education attended the event at the National Gallery of Ireland.


This morning's event followed last night's meeting between the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, and Mr Jiabao at Dublin Castle.

A planned press conference was cancelled after officials said the meeting between the two leaders went on longer than was expected.

It was denied that there was any attempt to avoid questioning on human rights issues in China.

Ireland-China trade is valued at €2.8 billion, with exports amounting to €584 million and imports amounting to €2.2 billion.

The Chinese premier is due to travel to Shannon later today.