Hauliers issue ultimatum on fuel prices

Irish hauliers have issued a deadline to the Minister for Transport, Noel Dempsey, giving him until early next week to deliver…

Irish hauliers have issued a deadline to the Minister for Transport, Noel Dempsey, giving him until early next week to deliver recommendations on how to deal with the burden of soaring fuel prices.

The Irish Road Hauliers Association (IRHA) met with Mr Dempsey and Minister of State Noel Ahern today to explain the challenges facing the industry as a result of higher fuel prices.

Described as "tense" meeting by the IRHA, the organisation gave the Minister until 6pm next Tuesday to come back with some recommendations.

The group also outlined concerns about unlicensed hauliers operating in the black economy, and called for some action to deal with this. .

Mr Dempsey said he would engage with enforcement authorities to increase the enforcement of road transport and road safety legislation and deal with the unlawful use of green diesel.

He also agreed to bring the concerns of the IRHA to the Government.