Head to head: Labour Party candidates

Bacik v De Rossa

Bacik v De Rossa

Ivana Bacik

Age: 35.

Career: Reid Professor of Criminal Law at TCD, barrister, former president of the TCD Students' Union.


Issues: Civil liberties, social policy; women's rights; criminal justice; racism.

Campaigning style: Relaxed but voices her opinions with passion.

Typical quote: "The European Parliament is not a halfway house for politicians who want an each way bet on national or European politics. The people of Dublin deserve better".

Wesbite: www.ivanabacik.com

Proinsias De Rossa

Age: 64.

Career: MEP, former minister for social welfare.

Issues: Social justice, public services, employment, European Constitution, protection of the environment.

Campaigning style: Enjoys engaging discussion and debate.

Typical quote: "Europe is about people and the quality of their lives. It's not about straight bananas; it's about straight politics."

Website:  www.derossa.com