Health service needs 15,000 beds, says IMO

The Irish Medical Organisation said today the health service needs an extra 15,000 acute beds to tackled the A&E overcrowding…

The Irish Medical Organisation said today the health service needs an extra 15,000 acute beds to tackled the A&E overcrowding crisis.

Speaking on the first day of the IMO's annual conference in Killarney, the organisation's new president, Dr Asam Ishtiaq, said the main reason for A&E overcrowding was a lack of beds.

The Department of Health says there are more than 12,000 hospital beds available for care, but Dr Ishtiaq said that those included beds in wards which were closed or not yet opened.

Other motions being debated at the three-day conference include a demand that the Department of Health tackles the reduction of adolescent and child inpatient mental health beds.


The conference will also debate a motion to ensure that local mental health services are sufficiently resourced, avoiding a cut in services to voluntary patients.

Tánaiste and Health Minister Mary Harney will address delegates tomorrow.