Ambulance staff to ballot for strike action

Union says move follows failure by Leo Varadkar to publish national capacity review

Staff at the HSE National Ambulance Service are to ballot for strike action due to the ‘continuing refusal’ of Minister for Health Leo Varadkar to publish a national capacity review of the service. Photographer: Dara Mac Dónaill/The Irish Times.

Staff at the HSE National Ambulance Service are to ballot for strike action due to the “continuing refusal” of Minister for Health Leo Varadkar to publish a national capacity review of the service.

At the annual general meeting of the Siptu ambulance sector in Liberty Hall, Dublin, on Thursday, the union said it had been waiting “months” for the review to be published.

Siptu health division organiser Paul Bell said the union had been left with “no option” but to ballot for strike action.

“The Minister’s refusal to do this leaves our members with no option but to ballot for strike action as the publication of this report into the operational capacity of the ambulance service is in the interest of both workers and the public,” he said.


“The first step the Minister for Health can take to avoid this action is to immediately publish the capacity review. The second step is to engage meaningfully with all stakeholders and representatives of ambulance professionals to agree on a way forward that ensures we have a fully funded and operational national ambulance service that is fit for purpose.”

Irish Ambulance Representative Council chairman Peter Ray said the publication of the review was “absolutely vital” not withstanding “all the challenges that it will present”.

“Steps can be taken to ensure the delivery of a world class publicly provided and funded national ambulance service,” he said.

“In addition, we are calling for the implementation of a comprehensive intermediate care service plan across the 26 counties that will free up vital frontline emergency ambulance vehicles and personnel.”

The vote is scheduled to be concluded by the end of April.

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson is an Irish Times reporter